What is an online business? How does it work?
Online Business and E-commerce

What is an online business? How does it work?

Alright, my keyboard warriors, let's dive into the world of online businesses. They're like your traditional brick-and-mortar stores, but guess what? No bricks, no mortar! It's all about selling products or services over the internet, from the comfort of, well, anywhere! The magic happens through websites, apps, or social platforms. So, buckle up, folks, it's like riding a bike, but the bike is on fire, and you're juggling, and everything is on the internet!


Is drop shipping an actual good business idea?
E-Commerce and Business Strategy

Is drop shipping an actual good business idea?

Hey folks, let's dive into the world of drop shipping - a business concept that's hotter than a jalapeƱo in a heatwave! It seems like everyone's turning to this model, so let's unravel if it's actually a good business idea. Spoiler alert: it's a bit of a mixed bag! On one hand, it's a low-risk venture with minimal start-up costs, making it an exciting option for those of us who aren't exactly rolling in the dough. But on the flip side, there's fierce competition and slim profit margins, so you'll need to put on your game face and bring your A-game. So, is drop shipping a good business idea? It's like a roller coaster, full of ups and downs - exhilarating for some, stomach-churning for others.


How do I see who view my Facebook business page?
Social Media Tips & Guides

How do I see who view my Facebook business page?

Hey folks, ever wondered who's been sneaking a peek at your Facebook business page? Well, pull up a chair and let's dive into this mystery together. Facebook doesn't allow us to see who specifically visits our pages, but it sure gives us some juicy details. Through the magic of Facebook Insights, we can see how many people visit the page, the times they visit, and what content they gobble up. So, while you may not get names and faces, you'll definitely know if your page is the hottest party in town or if it's time to spice things up!


Do we need a business license to sell our book?
Business & Legal Advice

Do we need a business license to sell our book?

In our latest blog post, we delve into the question of whether we need a business license to sell our book. The good news is, typically, authors don't need a business license to sell their books. However, if you're setting up a small publishing company or selling a significant number of books, it might be necessary. The requirements can vary depending on your location and the scale of your sales. It's always best to consult with a local business adviser or legal expert to ensure you're in compliance with all local laws and regulations.


What are the reasons for which sole proprietorship still exists?
Business & Entrepreneurship

What are the reasons for which sole proprietorship still exists?

In my recent exploration of business models, I've noticed that sole proprietorship is still quite prevalent, and for good reasons. Firstly, it's a straightforward setup - you're the boss and decision maker, with no need for partners or board approvals. Secondly, it's cost-effective as it has minimal legal and tax formalities. Moreover, the potential for direct customer relations could lead to a personalized service, thereby ensuring customer loyalty. Lastly, the full ownership means all profits are yours, providing a direct incentive for success.